
If you’ve ever taken a medicine, had a scan, received talking therapy or cancer screening – that’s all been made possible because of research. People from all ages and backgrounds, with and without medical conditions, are needed to take part.

We are part of the Clinical Research Network East of England. This means we are working with the National Institute for Health Research and anyone registered with the practice may be invited to participate in a research project if they are suitable.

There’s lots of different kinds of projects you could be involved with – from completing a questionnaire, joining a focus group, having a blood test or taking a new medication. You will be sent full details to help you decide whether you wish to enrol. You will never be signed up to a study without your full consent and you can change your mind at any time.

Please consider visiting these websites:

Current Projects

RCGP Virology Sampling Project

Charles Hicks Surgery is taking part in the RCGP virology sampling project.

National Obesity Audit

Practices are now being contacted to review the National Obesity Audit (NOA) on CQRS. As there is a direction in place for NHSE to collect the data (which is described in the Data Provision Notice) those to whom the DPN applies must supply the data by law. NHSE cannot just go in and extract the data, it requires the formal process of the GP practices reviewing and approving on CQRS.

The data that is going to be used for the NOA is actually already collected for the Cardiovascular Prevent Audit, so no new data is being collected, but because the data that NHSE will extract will be used for a new purpose, it is important that practices, as data controllers, are aware of this and that they update their own Transparency Notices on their websites to include details of this collection. NHS England has produced a template NOA Transparency Notice which GPs can use to do this.

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