Many of our appointments are carried out over the telephone which has proved a satisfactory method for the majority of our patients. The clinical team will make contact with you over the phone prioritising the clinical needs of the patients on their list. They will discuss your issues with you and arrange for you to attend the surgery if it required. If you prefer, the reception team can book a face to face consultation for you.
Face to face appointments are still available each day.
Please visit our Who Do I See? section which has advice on the best Healthcare Professional to see.
To request an urgent appointment for today (Monday to Friday)
Call us on 01480 453038 for Charles Hicks or 01480 455331 for Roman Gate, appointments can be taken quickly so please call as early as you can in the morning.
To request a non-urgent/routine appointment
Call us on 01480 453038 for Charles Hicks or 01480 455331 for Roman Gate.
NHS Online Login
Non-urgent advice: Patient Notice
We can not carry out consultations if you are not in this country. Our doctors are not licensed to practice medicine outside the UK.
Appointments with a Nurse Practitioner
Nurse practitioner appointments are also being carried out over the telephone.
If it is deemed clinically necessary the nurse will arrange for you to attend the surgery.
Appointments with a Nurse or Healthcare Assistant
We are still carrying out nurse and healthcare assistant appointments.
These appointments will be booked as required.
Patients will be telephoned as soon as possible.
If you are experiencing chest pain or signs of a stroke (FAST) please call 999
Our Receptionists
Our receptionists are an integral part of the team, they work really hard to ensure patients get seen by the right healthcare professional.
The information you give then will ensure your get the right care, in the right way, by the right person.
All staff operate to strict guidelines and work under clinical supervision. You can trust them to treat all information confidentially.
Pre-Bookable Appointments
There are a few pre bookable appointments being reintroduced.
The reception team have guidance on what can be booked in to these. Please help them by answering their questions.
What if I need a Blood Test?
If, after assessing you, the clinician feels that you need a blood test an appointment will be arranged for you to attend the surgery. Your will be screened with regards the appropriateness of this