Dementia Help & Support

We have a Dementia Adviser, Pat Strachan who runs clinics in our surgeries on a monthly basis (third Thursday of the month).

Pat can offer help and support to both dementia sufferers and their carers. She has a wealth of experience and access to lots of information networks that can offer advice and help.

If you would like an appointment with Pat please contact the  surgery who will book you into her clinic. She is happy to meet you in person or speak over the telephone if you would prefer.

Cambridgeshire Dementia Support Service, Alzheimer’s Society

0333 150 3456

Cambridgeshire support includes:

  • Peer support group sessions for carers and for people with dementia. Opportunity to meet with others, share experience and information facilitated by the Alzheimer’s Society. Currently run virtually – poster attached
  • Carers Information and Support programme and Live Well Programme. Information programmes run virtually in small groups for:   (1) carers supporting someone with a recent diagnosis of dementia     (2)  carers supporting someone at a more advanced stage  of dementia where      additional services and key decisions about future care and support may be appropriate    (3) someone living with a recent diagnosis of dementia.
  • Intensive Dementia Support service for carers who are struggling, at risk of being overwhelmed or are trying to cope with a sudden change in situation-leaflet attached
  • Specialist service for carers coping with symptoms of delirium including infections. Operated in partnership with Caring Together.

Further Resources